What is WaterLase?

Dr. Moore is always eager to utilize the newest and best technology to better serve his patients. One of those tools is the Biolase Waterlase iPlus. The iPlus is a dental laser that enhances the disinfection process during the root canal therapy.

How does it work?

The laser is introduced inside the tooth and the laser energy vaporizes water, which forms a vapor bubble at the tip. When the bubble collapses, a pressure wave and cavitation microbubbles area created. This causes the solutions that clean the tooth to penetrate deeper inside the tooth, dislodging bacteria and enhancing the irrigant efficacy.  This helps the doctors to be able to better clean the inside of the tooth and remove all of the tissue/bacteria.  By utilizing enhanced disinfection devices, Dr. Moore and Dr. Lopez can conserve tooth structure and increase tooth longevity.
